Wesley Tanaka's Blog

Squishy fuzzy yummy thoughts

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Wednesday, December 24, 2003


I've moved my blog to livejournal

posted by wtanaka at 12/24/2003 09:11:00 PM


I think I may move to livejournal

posted by wtanaka at 12/24/2003 07:22:00 PM


Ever want to look homeless?

On the 22nd, I went to the post office and mailed to my father a garment bag, a suitcase, and a carryon full of clothes that cost more than the round trip postage and some sentimental things.

People stared at me. There were two young women in front of me who were surely discussing me in Japanese. I think that people do not usually see someone mailing a suitcase and a carry on through the postal service.

posted by wtanaka at 12/24/2003 05:46:00 PM


As I'm thinking through my pack "inventory" one more time (and writing it down), I'm noticing that there are a lot of things I already realize are a bad idea to put in the pack. I'm putting them in only because I can't stand to throw them away yet can't justify asking someone to store them. I suppose that I still haven't been able to let go of my worldly posessions, in the buddhist mental sense of "let go."

posted by wtanaka at 12/24/2003 05:39:00 PM


I find that I can't type "cv". I always end up typing an extra "s" through sheer muscle memory.

posted by wtanaka at 12/24/2003 01:35:00 PM